Spiritualist Medium
Warren has been a Spiritual Healer for many years. Working very closely with
his Healing Guides he has helped a lot of people.
He is also an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher.
Angelic Reiki is a powerful hands on form of healing which involves
working with the highest healing energies bringing about healing
and balance on all levels.
Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa Reiki lineages
and combines these with powerful transmissions which can have
a profound affect on physical and mental conditions as it can heal
mind, body and spirit.
Many clients who have experienced Reiki in the past have reported
that with Angelic Reiki the effects are felt immediately rather than
days later and that many of the experiences are deeply moving.
Healing can be done in your own home and is carried out with the client
either laying on the therapy couch or sitting on a chair. Most people prefer
to lay on the therapy couch as this enables them to completely relax and
benefit fully from the healing.