
Warren Fisher

Spiritualist Medium

Private Readings


A Private Reading (one to one) is an opportunity to sit in private surroundings with just the Medium and the sitter. The Medium will connect with those in the Spirit World who wish to pass on messages and information that they feel is relevant and helpful. It is often loved ones who choose to come through and bring the love and words of comfort that are often needed. Private readings can be more intimate than receiving a message at a public demonstration.

Private readings can be held in you own home.



Group Readings


Group Readings are held with a small number of people,

maybe six, eight or so people where everyone will receive a


The group reading can also be held in your own home and is a

nice way for a group of friends to receive messages from those in the

Spirit World.



Spiritual Counselling


Many people have problems or difficulties which they have carried with them for some time, maybe even for years. Many will seek the help of a counsellor, however not all are able to resolve their problems.

During a Spiritual Counselling session the Medium will work through the problems with the client but with the added benefit of being able to connect with his Spirit Guides and gain information as to the possible true cause. This can be a very successful form of counselling.




Please contact Warren if you would like to book him for a,


Private Reading

Group Reading

Church Service

Spiritual Counselling Session

Healing Session






All readings are an experiment and cannot be proved or guaranteed.

The recipient is responsible for any decisions or actions he or she takes regarding messages / information given by the medium.